"She's an ugly girl, does it make you want to kill her?
She's an ugly girl, do you want to kick in her face?
She's an ugly girl, doesn't pose as a threat.
She's an ugly girl, Does that make you feel safe?
Ugly girl, ugly girl - do you hate her?
Cause she is pieces of you!
She's a pretty girl, does she make you think nasty thoughts?
She's a pretty girl, do you want to tie her down?
She's a pretty girl, do you call her a bitch?
She's a pretty girl - did she sleep with your whole town?
Pretty girl, pretty girl - do you hate her?
Cause she is pieces of you!
You say he's a faggot, does it make you want to hurt him?
You say he's a faggot, does it make you want to bash in his brain?
You say he's a faggot, does it make you sick to your stomach?
You say he's a faggot, are you afraid you are just the same?
Faggot, faggot - do you hate him? Cause he is pieces of you!
You say he's a Jew, does it make him tight?
You say he's a Jew, do you want to hurt his kids tonight?
You say he's a Jew, he'll never wear that funny hat again.
You say he's a Jew, as though BEING BORN WERE A SIN.
Oh, Jew, oh, Jew -do you hate him? CAUSE HE'S PIECES OF YOU!"
Från en klok, provokativ Jewel till alla som fruktar SD därborta i Sverige.
Håll i minnet - inget enar såsom en gemensam fiende! Alla får möjlighet att bekänna färg och medmänsklighet och de som inte klara uppgiften kan vi rensa bort.
Valet är alltid vårt!
Vilken talade text!!!! Det är lite som Jesus uttalande att den som inte begått någon synd kan kasta första stenen.... Jag gillar dina inlägg, as you know =) Kram