Med risk för att upprepa sig...
"Will you be there beside me when my world falls apart?
Will all of our moments remain in your heart?
Will you be there to guide me, all the way through, I wonder, will you?
Walk by my side, follow my dreams and bear with my pride as strong as it seems...
Will you be there tomorrow?
Will you be there beside me as time goes on by?
And be there to hold me whenever I cry..
Will you be there to guide me, all the way through, I wonder will you?
Walk by my side, follow my dreams, into tomorrow!"
Var rädda om varandra!
Min älskade! Jag är här, jag står här, vare sig din värld brinner, rasar, strålar, busar, gungar, spritter, whatever! Du är en VIKTIG del av mitt liv. Kramar, omtanke o kärlek!